President Biden’s Clemency Powers: A Chance for Cannabis Reform and Criminal Justice Legacy

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Throughout U.S. history, presidents have used their clemency powers to correct injustices, reduce overly harsh sentences, and restore faith in the justice system. From George Washington onward, clemency has been a tool to offer individuals a second chance while addressing systemic flaws. Now, President Joe Biden has a unique opportunity to use this power in a way that could define his legacy, particularly in the realm of criminal justice reform.

Biden’s Commitment to Cannabis Reform

The Biden administration has signaled a clear focus on cannabis reform, viewing it not just as a policy change, but as a critical issue for racial justice. With cannabis laws disproportionately affecting communities of color, meaningful reform could provide relief for countless individuals impacted by these policies. Yet, despite these commitments, Biden has only granted clemency to 1.4% of petitions submitted, far less than many hoped for from a president who campaigned on criminal justice reform.

Clemency as a Tool for Change

Biden has already taken steps, such as issuing pardons for individuals convicted of federal cannabis possession. However, this is only the beginning of what could be a much broader movement. By expanding the use of his clemency powers, Biden can address the racial disparities in cannabis convictions, providing relief for those serving harsh sentences under outdated laws.

A bold move in granting clemency to individuals convicted of non-violent cannabis offenses would align with his administration’s stance on reform and energize the electorate, particularly in communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the war on drugs.

Correcting the Legacy

President Biden has the chance to correct the criminal justice legacy of his earlier political career, which included support for the 1994 Crime Bill. By focusing on cannabis reform and expanding clemency for those affected, he can ensure his legacy reflects a commitment to fairness and justice. This would not only provide immediate relief for those incarcerated but also help build public trust in the justice system.

With cannabis reform gaining momentum across the U.S., President Biden is at a pivotal moment. The question remains: Will he fully use his clemency powers to not only secure his legacy but also create lasting change in the criminal justice system? Time will tell, but the potential for impact is clear.

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